Campagnolo gum brake lever hoods for Nuovo & Super Record & Gran Sport levers LAST SET. Also dont use water to put these on, we recommend mild cooking oil and put them on via the back, do not try and install while on the bar. Back in the day when these were readily available, sure use water, these days when they are next to Impossible to find authentic hoods, use a little light cooking oil on your finger, hardly any at all but a small enough layer to make them slide on. Vintage NOS Bicycle Parts. For thousands of new old stock, vintage and modern bicycle parts. We’re the online bike parts dealer for rare components and spare parts for your restoration and repair. Here you will find original pieces of cycling history that cannot be found anywhere else. Please use at your own risk. We decline liability for any damages resulting from use of these items, most of which are decades old Vintage NOS Bicycle Parts is an environmentally friendly business. We use recycled packaging & materials the large majority of the time and nothing in our store has been manufactured for us or is currently being made for sale.