HERE IS SOMETHING EXTREMELY SPECIAL! 1984 MAGNI / ICS FERRARI ROAD BIKE. 54cm TOP TUBE, C-C. 54cm SEAT TUBE, C-T. 1000’s of higher-level vintage road bikes. Have passed through my hands over the. Years and is certainly one of the absolute. Most prestige that I have had! Bikes here in Toronto, Canada and never. Thought I’d see an ICS bike for sale here! He’d was living in Switzerland at the time. And recalls ordering it in 1984 before he’d. Received it at the ICS shop weeks later….. He told me he wasn’t much of a cyclist. But always appreciated the finer things in. He recalls only riding it a handful of times. Taking it back the 6500km to Canada with. Him where it’s sat in his storage since……. This bike is INCREDIBLY preserved in it’s. I didn’t even. Change the brake hoods, they’re original! This bike is nearly SPOTLESS & LIKE NEW. With just a few imperfections throughout! The MAGNI / ICS FERRARI model was one. Of the less commonly ordered models and. This likely is the cleanest, all original, totally. Complete MAGNI / ICS Ferrari in the world. This bike is a TRULY incredible example of. What I consider to be among some of THE. MOST RARE & COLLECTIBLE 1980’s bikes! To me, ICS Campagnolo Groupsets are an. Amazing example of true refinement & was. The MOST expensive available at that time! For only the most prestige, discerning and. Knowledgeable collectors of 1980’s bikes! This particular bike was special ordered and. Features some of the more scare items like a. Pair of the ultra rare ICS rims / wheels aswell. As that beautiful modified & engraved stem! A one-owner bike in near-perfect-all-original. Condition & preserved extremely well with the. Matched cap + water bottle to accompany it! ICS – Italcicli Cycle Systems was a Swiss. In Zurich, Switzerland & made very highly. Refined modifications to the already-elite. Campagnolo groupsets + equipment…… For only the most prestige & discerning. Buyers + owners, this equipment was also. The most expensive stuff available at that. Time and was produced in extremely small. They altered, improved, added. Enhanced, tuned and beautified the most. Special racing components available & it’s. Final result is definitely something special! MANY MORE PHOTOS AVAILABLE……. Large items like bicycles but is of course. Negotiated & figured out when / if there. If you have any questions, simply contact me.